The Podcast:
Our goal is to tell the story of how Italy became a unified state in the 19th century. It's a story that has everything - and we're very excited to tell it. The current plan is to release a new episode every 2 weeks. In general, the episodes will be in lecture format, rather than a discussion. We'll take turns telling you the story. We'd love any feedback, so don't hesitate to drop us a line!
The Podcasters:
Benjamin: Older. Taller. Loves to cook while listening to podcasts.
Adam: Younger. Shorter. Enjoys moonlit walks on the beach and little else.
Benjamin and Adam are both graduate students in a chemistry PhD program.
Image Credits:
The picture of the young lady in the podcast's icon is The Meditation, painted by Francesco Hayez in 1850. It is in the public domain, and our version comes from Wikipedia (
The picture of the gentlemen is titled I Propugnatori dell'Unione Italiana (the title is cut off). From left to right it shows: Cavour, Fanti, Garibaldi, Cialdini, Vittorio Emanuele II, Farini, The Prince di Carignano, and Ricasoli. It is also in the public domain, but our particular version comes from the cover of an Italian Governmental brochure (
If you're having trouble finding the show on iTunes or in whatever podcasting app you use, you can always subscribe directly to us at:
Our goal is to tell the story of how Italy became a unified state in the 19th century. It's a story that has everything - and we're very excited to tell it. The current plan is to release a new episode every 2 weeks. In general, the episodes will be in lecture format, rather than a discussion. We'll take turns telling you the story. We'd love any feedback, so don't hesitate to drop us a line!
The Podcasters:
Benjamin: Older. Taller. Loves to cook while listening to podcasts.
Adam: Younger. Shorter. Enjoys moonlit walks on the beach and little else.
Benjamin and Adam are both graduate students in a chemistry PhD program.
Image Credits:
The picture of the young lady in the podcast's icon is The Meditation, painted by Francesco Hayez in 1850. It is in the public domain, and our version comes from Wikipedia (
The picture of the gentlemen is titled I Propugnatori dell'Unione Italiana (the title is cut off). From left to right it shows: Cavour, Fanti, Garibaldi, Cialdini, Vittorio Emanuele II, Farini, The Prince di Carignano, and Ricasoli. It is also in the public domain, but our particular version comes from the cover of an Italian Governmental brochure (
If you're having trouble finding the show on iTunes or in whatever podcasting app you use, you can always subscribe directly to us at: